Monday, December 7, 2009


We talked abouth THIS ARTICLE at church yesterday. If you don't have time to read it, essentially a group of Christians, calling themselves the "Christian Army," marched in a town not too far from where I live in order to protest the removal of the nativity scene in the town square.
I have always been intrigued by our use of certain terms. Even that hymn that says, "Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war..." was one that I just stood and let everyone sing around me.
No need to be militant about nativity scenes. If you want them that badly, put them up in your own yard. Instead, be just as intentional about love. Use your energy differently.
As Pastor Jim said yesterday, set an injustice straight this season - a real injustice where people are suffering and unheard.
Or maybe take that free ham you won with your supermarket points and hang it on someone's door knob - anonymously. Lots of people are struggling financially this year.
Last week, the principal at my son's school said something intriguing to him. He said, "You lead by doing, not by telling."


Let's all put our weapons down this year.


carey said...

Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.

Dave Peters said...

Interesting. My sister is visiting from CA. We've been discussing this idea for hours today. How do we create change by living out and embodying new narratives? Also, discussing the tension of how a new way of thinking can be laden with the old baggage of zeal laden with the desire to rely on guilt for motivation. Who is Pastor Jim. Was he in support of this article or was he using it to get us to examine with new ways of thinking. said...

Dave, I could sit and discuss for hours too - but, briefly, I think our new narratives are a way of entering the kingdom. If we can see it that way, instead of seeing it as initiating change, we may be on to something???

Pastor Jim is the pastor at Freedom Community Church in Franconia. Yes, he was trying to get us to examine new ways of thinking. He may be one of the most authentic guys ever. I need authentic - I'm finished with the other...:)