Friday, August 28, 2009


I have been having downstairs sleepovers with my kids. Perhaps it’s because I am keenly aware that the end of summer is looming, but I have wanted to be near them nonstop.

Last night, during one such sleepover, a noise outside woke me. Actually, it startled me. It was the sound of a soda can hitting the bricks outside, and for a moment I was convinced that someone was lurking just beyond the window.

When I was in college, I would go with friends to scary movies. Back then, I enjoyed horrifying myself and could quickly forget the images I had seen. Even though I no longer find them entertaining, I have not forgotten how the main characters in these flicks always moved toward the disturbing sound or danger instead of choosing to FLEE the scene – which is what any normal and sane person would do, right?

Funny though, I jumped right up to investigate the errant can last night, turning on the outside flood lights and loudly warning the potential intruder of his/her pending capture at the hand of my well-developed martial arts skills. Later, after letting the can knocking cat back in the house, I pondered my bravery.

And there were my three children, the same ones I was having a Can’t Get Enough of You Sleepover with, and I knew I would face any midnight feline to protect them.

Then I watched the news and learned of the now 29 year old woman who had been abducted in 1991 (at 11 years old) and kept in a back shed by a sex offender for 18 years.

She, and her mother, have experienced a real life horror movie.

As a Christian, I should not quickly forget the images I see, and instead of flee, I must move toward the disturbing. Simply praying, “God, please meet that person’s needs,” when I hear of an illness or tragedy or horror is insufficient. Instead, perhaps, I should pray, “God, am I the answer to that person’s prayer?” and then get myself moving.

It’s kind of like martial arts love – wildly attacking injustice with crazy swinging Grace. No need to fear whatever is lurking just beyond, God is already there.

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