Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2009

I am spending January 2, 2009 doing what every good Philadelphian is ... I am watching a Rocky marathon. Adrian is currently unconscious in the hospital and Rocky is reading her a novel aloud.
I have high hopes for this year. Well, not for the year itself, but for the people I know and the world I love. Miracles happen everyday (even when things seem rocky), I just miss most of them because I sometimes go through life unconscious. My 2009 resolution is to be alert. A greater state of awake...
I suspect being awake will mean that I will miss less, and maybe that's why I choose sleep walking sometimes - to miss the things that are sad or painful or boring or disappointing. Awake means feeling all things more deeply - both joy and mourning, chaos and peace.

Looking forward to seeing what God does this year. I hope you'll stay awake with me.

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