Monday, June 22, 2009

Beauty Shoppe

My daughter and I played Beauty Shoppe on Saturday. It was very rainy here, so we all had to do indoor activities.

Beauty Parlor is a funny game, really. As I painted nails and curled hair, I wondered how we all got to the place where we put so much importance on how we look. So, I tried a little something new:

Every time I painted a toenail, Mia and I thought of a way that God makes us beautiful. In other words, as I applied the hot pink, she said, “God makes us patient” and with each stroke of the hairbrush, she would smile with, “God helps us forget each other’s mistakes.”

It was great really and maybe worth your time when you stand in front of the bathroom mirror tomorrow morning. With every tooth brushed and every lash curled and every whisker shaved – it might be helpful to review how God is making you beautiful. Take a minute to pause and focus your priorities.

More like a Beauty Stop than Beauty Shoppe.

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