Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No touching

My cousin forwarded this ESPN story to me, and I read it with amazement. Basically, a softball coach did a really small, but perfectly legal, thing. You should read it so that I can make my far out and leaping analogy to the church. Go ahead – read it – then come back.

The point is too clear to pick it apart any further, right? This article perfectly explains my phrase, "I'd rather be righteous than right." Perhaps we, the church, should consider a little rule breaking ourselves?


Anonymous said...

Maybe just a little clarification . . . Are we talking about man-made church rules, Old Testament rules, or what Jesus said? I'm totally on board with the first two.

Wendy Melchior said...

I'm talking about those things that are non-essentials - kind of like Jesus taking heat for healing on the Sabbath. People - their well-being and perception of Christ - are far more important than what we insist folks wear to church or even some of the superfluous theological stances we take. I want us to represent the HEART of Jesus well - and Jesus broke some rules in order to genuinely love others.