Monday, June 8, 2009

Kicking & Screaming

A few years ago, a Will Ferrell movie called Kicking & Screaming came out in theatres. We laughed and laughed, mostly because we play in community sports leagues, and it was about a generally nice and gentle man who lost his head while coaching his son’s soccer team.

The phrase “kicking and screaming” has been running through my lost head lately. It is unfortunate, but sometimes God has had to drag me into His future kicking and screaming. I hope that I never get to experience His Jonah-level persuasion techniques (remember the storm and the fish stomach for three days??) but I can imagine Him shaking His head and smiling – “Need a little push, do we?” It is not necessarily rebellion on my part, it’s more like thick headedness. General stupidity and basic humanness – a generally nice and gentle woman who loses her head.

Today, I am grateful for a God who pursues and pursues – who continues to work in a world that is kicking and screaming against Him. I am thankful that His love endures forever and that He never gives up. How great that I can live with the knowledge that He is working all things together for our good, even when we have to be dragged into that goodness.

No storm necessary, Lord. I’m moving...................albeit slowly.

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