Sunday, September 21, 2008

And the winner is...

The entries may have been few but the quality was fine. For using the Weekend Word no less than THREE times in his entry, the winner is:

sean from Boston: "I like Sarah Palin, but the propinquity of the November elections makes me wonder whether mere awareness of Alaska's propinquity to Russia is evidence that she possesses anything with sufficient propinquity to foreign policy experience."

Congratulations. Even though you may dare root for the Red Sox, this Phillies fan must take her hat off to your wordsmithing. Acceptance speech, please.


Anonymous said...

Acceptance speech:

This weekend’s victory is a mere foretaste of my impending Robespierre-like reign of terror. I shall not rest until I have won every blog-sponsored vocabulary contest from here to the Mississippi. Once I have solidified my lexical hegemony over the east coast, I shall begin my Shermanesque march, mutatis mutandis, to the Pacific Ocean. My final goal: dominance over Canada, that awkward and ill-fitting hat mother nature has forced America to wear.

By the way, did I mention I’m kind of a poor winner?

Anonymous said...

By the way, for those of you not familiar with my sense of humor or my politics, I was kidding about everything except Canada ;-)