Friday, September 26, 2008

Weekend Word

I can no longer remember how many Weekend Words we have conquered, so let's not bother counting anymore, ok? BIG debate tonight, but I suspect this word will not be used - or perhaps it will. Wouldn't that be funny?
Slip on your galoshes (if you live in the east), eat some tilapia, hold the leash with the opposite hand and click on the word below. Genius awaits.
After mulling and thinking and pronunciating, use the word in a sentence and write that sentence in the comments section. Winner will be announced at 10:00 p.m. est on Sunday night. Best of luck.

Do you vote with the same party as your parents?


Anonymous said...

Joe Liberman's tendency toward tergiversation has left him facing a possible censure from Connecticut Democrats.

Maureen said...

After two years of servitude to a certain cell phone company and countless phone conversations with mind-numbingly obtuse employees, I have come to believe that the newly hired must attend classes in the art of subterfuge and tergiversation, for in this arena they are quite simply...genius.

Steve said...

After reading my darling wife's contest entry, I hesitate to enter a sentence as I will have to invent a whole new level of tergiversation to cover if I were to win.

Anonymous said...

I discovered - much to my consternation - that my star witness had an inclination toward prevarication and tergiversation when asked about the details of his occupation.

Ron Wicks said...

We should treat our sinful nature with tergiversation when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.