Thursday, May 7, 2009

Be still

My friend Diana has been worthy of many a blog post here. Her antics are somewhat unmatched in my life for she is all craziness and fun and love and emotion. We have battled her cancer together, and it has been a long and strenuous road – yet not without laughter and really great moments.

Diana is loud and funny and over-reactive. Never shy about making a scene, I have heard her say outrageously kind and loving things to perfect strangers in elevators and watched her do extravagantly generous things for the people in her life. She is a force of nature, for sure, and God made her that way.

She is also one of my very dearest friends in the world.

On Tuesday, Diana had a heart attack after her bone marrow transplant last week. She is alive, on a ventilator, but remains unconscious. When her brother called to tell me, the world seemed very quiet all of a sudden.

God keeps reminding my heart to “Be still and know that He is God.” Not SIT still or FEEL still – but BE still – make stillness a part of the essence of me through His abiding presence in my very person. Stillness and sadness are familiar friends in the Kingdom - kind of like death and new life.

Diana has a signed DNR. I do not know what that means for the days ahead, but as my friend lies in her bed very, very still, I will join her in my spirit.


Unknown said...

Morning Wendy,

In the stillness and the quiet your spirit's will laugh, love and dance. The heart never forgets...

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.


carey f said...

keeping you both in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering what the outcome was---and secretly hoping that no news was good news.

My heart aches for the pain that your heart is enduring.

Unknown said...

In the quiet of our hearts we find out who we really are, and who God made us to be. Do what you do Wen.