Monday, September 14, 2009


Last spring, my sons joined a free fantasy baseball league online and used my email address for their contact information. Since that very second, I have been inundated with spam. I have won the lottery in the UK several times. I have been promise that Viagra will give me the much needed boost I need. I have been invited to study online to become a cosmetologist. And I have been guaranteed to lose 50 lbs. this week using the same method Oprah did.

Spam must work or it wouldn’t be so prolific. But it sure is annoying.

I nosied in on a back & forth on Facebook last week that was interesting. I did not comment myself (amazing self-restraint, huh?) but the whole thing left me puzzled.

A Christian friend of mine posted something about being proud that her 1st grader was saying the Pledge of Allegiance every day, and that the words still included “Under God.” Nice and no big deal, right? WRONG.

Another gentleman, an agnostic, took opposition to her post and made plain his feeling that people shouldn’t be forced to say something they simply do not believe – after all, “this is the United States of America.”

A firestorm began, with tons of folks jumping in. I read the comments with interest, especially the Christians defending their faith. I read everything from, “You have chosen to put intellect over faith, but I have chosen to put faith over intellect…”

Sheesh. I hope the two are not mutually exclusive.

Then there was, “I will pray that the Lord Jesus reveals Himself to you….:” without any discourse or acknowledgement of what the agnostic man believes to be true.

Naturally, there was the whole “Christian nation” and “God Bless America” business as usual – even a little sprinkling of “our founding fathers built this nation under God…”

It almost seemed like spam, but it certainly wasn’t working.

Then, in an unrelated post, a pastor friend of mine posted this on Facebook: Welcoming diversity doesn't just mean inviting other folks to the table - it means giving up our unilateral right to choose the menu.

Please don’t hear me watering down Truth. There is Absolute Truth. But just like spam, a little research reveals our biases weren’t truth at all.

I hope the Lord Jesus reveals Himself to us all.

1 comment:

Steve said...


It seems a faith that can't be argued isn't much of a faith to follow. But I would say, most people don't take the time to know and understand their faith. They argue with emotion, not information.

Myself included.

Steve in Central CA

(And we're seeing the Phillies on Sat. in Atlanta. Ya Hoooo!)