Friday, August 29, 2008

Labor Day

I have decided to get a job. I’m not exactly starving yet, but I need something to do instead of wait. I am assembling a list of possible employers/positions.

1. Starbucks (or any other trendy coffee shop). Pros: get to serve people, love whipped cream. Cons: love whipped cream.

2. School cafeteria. Pros: on the same schedule as the kids. Cons: Hairnet.

3. Receptionist. Pros: get to sit. Cons: have to sit.

4. Waitress. Pros: I have experience. Cons: that experience makes me not want to do it again.

5. Weatherman (person). Pros: will always know when I need to take an umbrella to work. Cons: not sure I could figure out the green screen thing.

6. Car salesman (person). Pros: I love that “new car” smell. Cons: I’m a terrible driver.

7. Olympic athlete. Pros: seems fun. Cons: four more years until I get paid.

8. President of the United States. Pros: I’m not afraid to make speeches. Cons: Don’t have any clothes with a lapel – do you think I could wear my flag pin on my flip flops?

9. Dog sitter. Pros: I like animals. Cons: often forget to feed my own dog.

10. Go back to church work. Pros: I'm crazy about God. Cons: I'm crazy about God.

Well, it’s not like I don’t have options, right?

1 comment:

John said...

Wendy, I'll light a candle for you as you ponder the job shitseeashun. As I looked at your options, they're all essentially facets of #10 - church work. Well, maybe not the president thing; however, some guys have pulled that one off too.

Have you considered the crossing guard? You get to sit in a lawn chair as helios kisses the day while ushering little ones safely across the abyss. Just a thought. Oh, and the vest you get to wear is quite cool.