Thursday, August 28, 2008

Please post your home remedies

Having absolutely nothing to say today, I will spare you the forced conclusions and canned ideas that are usually produced when I write without inspiration.

Blocked, baby, blocked. I may take a nap or go out for butter brickle ice cream. Yesterday, I bathed the dog, but that didn’t help.

I have a counter on my blog that proves you are reading, but why so silent? I suspect you are far smarter and possess greater wit than I.

I have heard the theories of hiccup ceasing, but will holding my breath or eating spoonfuls of sugar birth creativity? Perhaps I should hang upside down for a while to stretch my diaphragm.
I may need chicken soup for the soul.


Steve said...

In class I sneak up on students and yell, loudly. I am loud to start with, so my loud is LOUD. I have never failed to stop the hiccups. And waking up the rest of the class has its benefits also.

The other cure all is apple cider vinegar and water, but that is for stomach aches.

If you put the phone to your ear, maybe I can yell and scare you.

baking in Central CA

PS--I read everyday because of your wisdom, though I feel intimidated to respond most days. Or humbled.

Todd said...

Tonight I shared a beer with a friend I hadn’t seen since high school. In talking about his life, he used the term, “off the grid.” It’s really nothing special – just another way of saying “off the chart” or perhaps “out in left field.” I really like it, though, and I’m thinking of incorporating it into a weekend word post. Wendy, as much as I enjoy and benefit from your fruit-smoothie-with-a-scoop-of-protein posts, I much prefer when you go off the grid. And let’s be honest, we all know you’re off the grid, which is a good thing. Ideas so palatable to appeal to the masses such that they’re ON the grid can’t be right.

Have you ever been to a church where the services have extremely high production value? I go to a church like that. Everything is perfect, from the “worship” to the little vignette to the sermon, and everything is perfectly coordinated. Don’t get me wrong; God shows up every week and lives are transformed. But somehow in the pursuit of excellence, God is compromised. Wendy, are you blocked from finding perfect anecdotes? I’d like to know what you’re thinking about Christians in politics even though you don’t have it all worked out. What else don’t you have worked out? What else is on your mind that doesn’t have a matching story to go along with it?

A few final thoughts. 1. Sorry if I got this all wrong. 2. I can’t criticize because this is the best blog I know. 3. There’s no correlation between comments (or lack thereof) and your impact. 4. I really do have a cure for hiccups. Completely exhale, take a very shallow breath, and hold it as long as you can. Then without exhaling take just a little more air and hold it as long as you can. Continue until your lungs are completely full and then exhale slowly. You’re cured.

militia207 said...

How to get rid of the hiccups the Bevery Hills Junior High way circa 1974..... Tell the person who is hiccupping that you will give them $5.00 If they can hiccup again. It usually stopped the person from hiccupping somehow.

This is the end of the summer dear friend alot are on va-kay and not plugged in as much. Things will pick up for you as the weather changes.

Although you may not have gotten anything out of the bath I'm sure Sunny was appreciative of the rub a dub dub.

Your whole schedule is changing again from a house full of kids living their summer days to the fullest to seeing them get on the bus and having an empty house until the bus returns. Would put anybody in a funk.

If you want to keep yourself occupied though you could make a batch of salsa and bring it over along with your family to watch the Eagles opener next Sunday.....grin

Anonymous said...

Wendy please know that I read your blog now everyday to conclude my devotional time with God. Most days you bang me with a new dose of reality.

While I miss being able to have a good face to face debate with you, you are still my friend and hero!

In the waiting and the silence we find the opportunity to see if we trust God with ALL of our heart.

Your Brother

Anonymous said...

I like what Todd said... write what you haven't worked out yet. Make a mess!

For inspiration: go to the grocery store... that works everytime... something on the drive there, the way someone smiles at you, a conversation mom-to-child, the way stuff is organized... something will give you some juice.
