Friday, August 8, 2008

Weekend Word 14

Well, John Edwards admits an extramarital affair and Victoria Osteen does not apparently ask WWJD? when aboard airplanes, so I thought our Weekend Word would be a gentle and timely reminder for us all.

Pay for your second suitcase, remove the stain from your first class seat, deny paternity and click on the word below. Use said word in an engaging and thought-provoking sentence and post that sentence in the comments section before 10 p.m. est on Sunday. I will then call the National Enquirer and give them a winner.
And, no, it's not pronounced PUKE-a, although when I see the Osteen's board game, I want to.


Unknown said...

As I flip through the channels and come across the "god channel", I often wonder if a pukka conversation has ever been aired over that station.

Kristopher Dean said...

pukka up and kiss me because this word is whack.