Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Scale back

I have been doing some self observation lately and have discovered an interesting pattern. Why is it that when you eat fattening food for breakfast you eat bad food all day? It’s almost as if once you’re off track, you give up for the whole 24 hour period.

I am marveling at how I can’t seem to simply say, “Breakfast was a wash” instead of deciding, “This whole day is a wash.” It’s such an all or nothing perspective, extreme and out of balance.

Of course I realize what is really happening. I am really looking for a license to eat, so getting off track at breakfast is like a Get Out of Jail Free card for the day. The funny part is – at the end of the day I feel like crap – both physically and mentally. So, it’s more like a Get In to Jail Free card. Well, it’s not really free.

I suspect the ability to refocus on the spot is rare. Discipline is somehow easier with a little success under the belt, isn’t it? Getting up to walk on the treadmill is more palatable after the scale starts to move, right?

It’s a little juvenile really – being more apt to follow through when there is a reward involved. I wonder when I will grow up.


Anonymous said...

At one of the many seemingly hundreds of Weight Watcher's meetings that I've gone to, an instructor said "If you broke a lamp in your home, would you then start breaking up and crashing everything else? No, you would clean up and move on. So it should be with getting off track." Not sure this analogy helps you; it surely didn't help me since I'm scheduled for gastric bypass on 4/22! But it is a pretty true statement.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for my jump start into exercising/dieting/losing weight, which is illness or extreme stress which forces a few pounds off.

And I enjoy being immature! It keeps me young. : )

Anonymous said...

I understand where you are coming from....I often crave Wendy's for lunch but know that I will feel awful for it. But I eat it anyway and I feel like crap. Then I eat horribly for the rest of the day, maybe in an attempt to comfort myself? A vicious cycle. Just say no to garbage...yeah right.