Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I picked my friend Diana up from the hospital yesterday. It is her birthday this week, and a couple of years ago she told me the funniest story. When she was young, her mother used to ask her what she would like for her birthday dinner. Diana always answered, “Turkey with all the trimmings!” Her mother would agree and then serve ravioli instead.

We are going to have a huge Thanksgiving dinner this week to honor my friend. Her battle with leukemia has been long and arduous, but her spirit has been strong and generous. There is so much to be thankful for and so we will celebrate the start of a new year in her life.

There is something really fun about having a holiday meal at the wrong time of year. Besides the fact that I couldn’t find any bread cubes for stuffing at the store, it seems almost extra-celebratory.

And so I will celebrate: I have been incredibly blessed to have this friend. Her life AND her illness have changed me forever, and those kinds of things don’t happen every day, you know? I have learned about compassion and faithfulness. I have enjoyed laughter in the midst of doubt and worry. I have experienced the intimacy that pain creates, and the joy that friendship affords.

It’s hard to know what this new year will bring, but this week is full of Thanksgiving.

Pass the cranberries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have much to be thankful for - too much to pack into one day! I will think of everyday this week as Thanksgiving, too. For you, for Diana, for everything I have that I don't recognize that I actually have it!

Pass the cranberries this way, too.