Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy 70th Birthday, Dad. We LOVE you.


Robyn said...

What a beautiful family.

Glad to find you.

Wayne Wicks said...

Happy Birthday Uncle Fred!!!
That is an AWESOME picture of your smiling faces.
I hope you have a great day - God Bless

Anonymous said...

I opened today's Tripping email to see in front of me "Happy 70th Birthday, Dad. We LOVE you." My first thought was how did Wendy know it's my dads birthday. Yes indeed it was a blonde moment.

Ironically my dad's (Art)70th birthday is tomorrow. We almost lost him last year. He spent 3 months in hospital with the first 6 weeks spent pacing the cold hospital walls waiting for him to pass on. He was moved to palliative care and miraculously, within 2 days, started showing signs of improvement. The doctors called it nothing shy of a miracle. He is now back at home surrounded by support from our social system, loving family and friends. I'm so blessed to have him here for a little while longer. I tell him I love him every chance I get. Happy birthday to our dad's (Fred and Art). We get another day to create wonderful memories, another day to love, live and embrace all that surrounds us.


johnvano said...

does Fred still drive Probe?