Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Loosing faith

Last night, I read THIS intriguing article entitled, “Americans not losing their religion, but changing it often.” Feel free to click here and give it a read if you’re interested.

The writer bases his conclusions on “a huge new survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.” Basically, the survey suggests that Americans are migrating – but the article also suggests that we are migrating within Christianity. The better title for the article may have been, “Americans not losing their denomination, but changing it often.”

Here’s what I think. We are not losing faith, we are loosing it. Those who long for the “good old days” – you know, those days when church and country were “priorities” – may have tainted memories. Obeying an institution and fulfilling a duty does not a Christian make, and frankly, if the old days did produce Christians, America would look very different than it does today. Please don't read criticism of the past here, please read a honest reflection toward a hope-filled future.

People seem to be trying to embrace the real Church – a community of believers who love God and the world without condition. This kind of faith will let loose on the world as it expresses itself with extravagant love, outrageous forgiving and irrepressible generosity of spirit – all in response to what Jesus has done.

I have never been in danger of losing my faith, but I certainly am trying to loose it.

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