Monday, April 6, 2009

Munchausen’s by Peanut

Our children are now taught that a classmate might die right in front of them if they bring PB&J for lunch. Where were these kids when we were in school?

Click here for the rest of this wonderfully snarky article.

1 comment:

carey f said...

Oh, you got me charged up with this one. I find it hard to believe that the peanut allergy that has existed for years when WE were kids wasn't such a life threatening issue as it seems to be now. Has peanut allergy truly evolved into something that requires a ban in peanut butter? And what about the states that grow peanuts? Will certain anti peanut groups ban travel thru such states? Wouldn't want to inhale the air there.
And I make no apologies for my complete ignorance on this subject. I choose to remain skeptical about life threatening peanut allergies.