Thursday, May 29, 2008

Agree or Disagree?

“Our job is not to figure out the how. The how will show up out of a commitment and belief in the what.”
–Jack Canfield


militia207 said...

Okay i read this about three or four times before attempting to get it but have to say it helped keep my mind occupied while i unpacked boxes down the basement.......

i agree in the quote for this reason ....

Our job is not to figure out the How (how i got cancer). The how will show up out of a commitment (God is in control ) and Belief (God is the only one who can heal me ) in the What (REMISSION WOO HOO )


Anonymous said...

It is not our job to figure out the "how" or the "why". Our job is to trust. Someday we may know these things.

Todd said...

Clearly God doesn't want us to figure out "how" to do His job. Think Abraham and Sarah. However, it hasn't been my experience that the "how" just shows up. God has definitely used some trial and error in my life. Is that called tripping? I guess I disagree with the quote.