I am weak.
I am what I discover
and I'm not using it.
I am.
What I am saying is that
I did not know what to do with me.
So, I discovered I am useful
and I knew what to do and
I am happy today.
Now, this may be complete nepotism, but what an interesting idea, huh?
Restless in your skin? Perhaps you need to let God show you what you were made to do.
My goodness, you may just have a prodigy here....such wisdom in such a young heart...wow.
...teach me to know what I knew then...
Wow... thats quite amazing words from such a young heart. Shes got something going on there.
just a little tid bit of music info....no need for Hannah Montana to move over because Hannah Montana / Miley Circus never wrote a song in her life. Now Springsteen ??? Wellll let's just say Mia's young and Bruce has a few years on her but she can catch up : - )
Like mother - like daughter. Amazing.
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