Saturday, June 7, 2008

Weekend Word 5

Time to re-evaluate our weekly routine. Perhaps I've been too hard on you, my choices too challenging. Ok, weenies, I'll go easy on you this week.

Rules: Brush oil on the kabobs, enter the fountain of youth, and use the word below in a sentence. Display your mastery of our language by posting your sentence in the comments section below. On Sunday evening, at 10 pm est, the envelope containing the name of the winner will come to my home via armored car. After the retina scan, I will obtain said envelope, open it and post the name of the lucky duck who, yes, can give a long and tearful acceptance speech in Sunday's comments. Click this word:

Have at it writers!


militia207 said...

well since i'm the first entry this sticky day i'll be the first one to sadly have to say it in a sentence...............

Wendy was in a hugger-bugger/hugger-mugger state when she wrote her blog for she wrote on the blog hugger-bugger but when you click on the word for definatino (did it purposely cause everybody makes typos ....grin ) it says hugger-mugger. : - (

Anonymous said...

Living in my hugger-mugger world is a challenge everyday.

Wendy Melchior said...

how true! I am a bugger right now. so sorry...fixed!

Unknown said...

The repressed anger and feelings abound, the words of blame and arrows of guilt point right to my heart - yet the previously innocent and now vile hugger-mugger friend is my nemisis and the new ways of life tear at my suffering soul.

Unknown said...

I got the biggest kick out of seeing a 6th grade student in a hugger-mugger this morning when his father picked him up from our lock-in at the church. I don't know if he even knew his name. (That's the effect of an all night Wii party.)

Anonymous said...

When the twice convicted violent ex-purse snatcher was sentenced to do community servive at the special olympics he began to ponder his new life as a "Hugger-Mugger".

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why even bother... Iamfranswa hands down has to win this w/e, but I never thought about him being hugger-mugger in thought, word, or deed. Just goes to show ya!