Friday, November 7, 2008

Pitching for President

I have been experiencing a curious phenomenon lately. Between people from my past finding me on Facebook, and the fact that I keep bizarrely running into old high school/college friends in the strangest places, my responses to these encounters has been intriguing to me.

Yesterday, my son Noah contemplated a run for the Presidency. Mind you, he decided to pitch for the Phillies last week when the news was full of our World Series win, but this week he plans to live in the White House. Interestingly, I suspect that Noah would make a better President than pitcher. He has the heart of a servant and he is articulate, kind, bright, deeply cares for the welfare of humankind, and has a lot of integrity for a twelve year old.

When he asked me what I thought of this new career idea, I said the craziest thing. The FIRST thing I said was, “Just be sure you don’t screw up in high school or college. Keep your nose really clean, because, believe me, the press will hunt for that stuff when you hit the national stage. They will broadcast any and all mistakes you’ve ever made.”


Fortunately, I recognized my insanity right away, and went on to tell Noah that I thought he would be the finest President the world has ever seen if that’s the path he chooses, and I verbally listed all the wonderful attributes that he possesses. I then promised to vote for him.

Later, as I was thinking through the moment, I began to understand the awkward/uncomfortable/queasy feeling I have had lately. I did a lot of bizarre things as a young person, some of which I am not proud of. When I run into someone who may or may not remember these antics, I am reminded of my former self. It’s a little…well…humiliating. I feel the urge to either run, or ask the person if they have 5 hours to sit so that I can explain a lot of stuff.
Some of these feelings are natural consequences for sin, and I may always feel that little shudder of embarrassment. On the other hand, these moments are turning into a real treat, too. God, who doesn’t remember my former self, invites me (every single time) to see the gap – the space between now and then that He has created by transforming me so utterly.

These moments of brilliance are so bright and clean and thrilling that I’m tempted to run for President too.

1 comment:

militia207 said...

okay this is how I see it so he can have the best of both worlds .... Noah becomes a Phillies Phenom Phitcher at 23 where he stays for his entire career.

Upon retirement he switches to the booth for play by play where the phrase "OOOOOhhhhhh Sweet Jesus Would You Look At That !!!!! " is coined and imitated by Phillies Phans young and old.

At 38 during his acceptance speech as overall winner of dancing with the stars season 35.... he shares with the viewing public he is throwing his hat in the ring and giving politics a try.

He wins overwhelmingly and quickly works his way up to speaker of the house while all the time taking the train back to Philly during football season acting as replacement to President Ed Rendell for the Comcast post-game show.

At 47 he announces his candicy for President and turns all 50 states Blue.

Only In America
