Wednesday, July 9, 2008

BOOK trailers?

Did you know there are book trailers - just like movie trailers? YouTube has tons of them. Here's one (I haven't read the book, so I'm not necessarily recommending it) that I saw yesterday. I have a buddy named Dave who is a video genius. Maybe we'll produce one for my book.

Here's my question: What makes you buy or want to buy a book? Cover? Trailer? Genre? Author? Do you still go to bookstores or buy online? All feedback appreciated.


Maureen said...

I tend to read certain authors for fiction (I like mysterys and spy novels - they're sort of a guilty pleasure) but I read Jody Picoult '19 Minutes' and Pat Conroy's 'Beach Music' because someone (who I barely knew) gave them to me....and I loved them both! (I'm also a huge Anne Tyler fan) But when it comes to non-fiction I definitely go with recommendations or a review in a magazine.

ps. I've been looking forward to Susan Isaacs book coming out, so now I guess I'll put yours on that list (but please don't put it away for 2 years before you edit it :)

Mike said...

If I dont have a certian theme or topic in mind and its one of those spur of the moment impulse buys.... its a mix of good design on the cover ( im a freakin artist... are ya surprised?! ) a nice blurb on the back, and then i glance at the intro or somewhere and read some of it. If its a good mix of it all its almost a shoe in to make me buy it.

Kristopher Dean said...

a recommendation makes me read a book.