Saturday, July 5, 2008

Weekend Word 9

It's harder than you think to pick a Weekend Word for a holiday weekend. Since I've done the patriotic thing to death, how about something a little more relaxed??

Put on your swimsuit and click on the word below to discover its meaning. Amaze all your picnic friends by using it in casual conversation, then put it in a sentence that will create fireworks in my mind. Put your sentence in the comments section below, then eat more watermelon until Sunday at 10 p.m. est - at which time I will put down my own hotdog (I take mustard and relish) to declare a winner.

Unless, of course, you all have traveled out of town and are not near a computer. Then I will win with an entry at 9:59 pm.

Enjoy your lemonade.


militia207 said...

With the price of gas going up by nickles and dimes weekly, the 21st century is quickly becoming the peregrination nation that our Founding Father's lived in although with the numerous pooper scooper laws now in place we don't have that to worry about that issue like our Founding Father's did ahhhh democracy ahhhh progress : - )

militia 207

Steve said...

The annual peregrination of Americans from their Barcalounger to the fridge on the Fourth of July is nothing more than the human version of the swallows of San Juan Capistrano in their annual migration home to the cliffs.

Anonymous said...

Summer is a little different for us this summer, no peregrination to the beach. We had a luxury vacation, but somehow not the same.

Anonymous said...

Last night I watched a movie entitled "Into the Wild" about the peregrination of a young man around the U.S. with the goal of ending up in Alaska.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your father's peregrination was a bear!

Mrs. Fitz