Saturday, July 12, 2008

Weekend Word 10

Feelin' hot, hot, hot. It's blazing here in Philly, but I've decided it's not quite hot enough so I am leaving for Phoenix today. July in the desert...could be a song.

So, grab one of those little portable fans - you know, the ones you fill with water that have a little propeller in the front - fill it with fish oil and spray it on your brain. (If you're new to WW click here). Deny aging, and click on the word below. Practice it on strangers in toll booths, then use it in a sentence and post it in the comments section. On Sunday, at 10 p.m. est (if I can get the time change right) I will post a winner.

If you have guests for dinner this weekend, you can tell them about the Weekend Word over the table.


Anonymous said...

The young deipnosophist amazed everyone at the table with his knowledge.

militia207 said...

If I could sing and had a sing with the band "dream team" it would include Jimmy Hendrix, Steven Tyler and Springsteen but if I had a "dream team of peabody award winners" deipnosophists it would consist of Stephen Colbert, Timm Russert and Walter Cronkite.


Kristopher Dean said...

N'ere has there been such an entertaining and diverting deipnosophist as the ornate Oscar Wilde.