Friday, July 25, 2008

Weekend Word 12

I don't know about you, but I've had one heck of a week. Talk about tripping! I have managed to offend people I care about with my blog, rattle off an impulsive email that dinged my credibility, stood on the ledge of self-doubt to the point where I needed to be coaxed off before I took a potentially damaging dive and just felt generally out of control. I am tempted to make the Weekend Word "menstruation" but I suspect we all know what that means already.
So, as I sit on the curb with no pride or shame left - no friends, no hope - (can you tell I spent time in the theatre?) and multiple apologies scheduled for next week, I have picked an easy word, or perhaps one I long for.

Grab your thinking caps, get out the rod and reel, mourn Estelle Getty and click on the word below. After uttering it to your neighbors, use it in a winning sentence and type it in the comments section below.
Come dire che amate?


Kristopher Dean said...
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Kristopher Dean said...

The aroma of the philter I had created permeated the room and clearly my love's cold heart as well-that is to say I wasn't lonely anymore...

Anonymous said...

He needed no philter to woo me. As someone once said, he had me at hello.

militia207 said...

with my luck if given a philter instead of getting a prince I'de get the frog.