Sunday, October 19, 2008

And the winner is...

What a challenging week to pick a winner. I must admit that Sean's entry made me laugh out loud, but I'm not sure that whole paragraphs are within the rules. The reference to the Phillies is ALWAYS a smart move, but the last two winners used that strategy and I'm horribly afraid to become predictable (it leads to cliche). With all of that in mind, the winner is:

anonymous "I think this blog could stand a little more badinage among its readers. Can we pick it up a notch?"

Hear! Hear! I don't do this for my health, you know.

Hmmmm...why do I do this? I think I may have my source of angst for the week.

Thanks to all. Congrats, anonymous. Acceptance speech, please.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Wendy. Interesting the number of anonymous posts lately. I missed the Phillies bandwagon, but I think the anonymous strategy will continue to work for a while. Of course just saying that will probably put an end to it immediately.

Also, your “winner is” posts always make me smile. You might as well change your name to Gertrude, at least for Sunday nights.

Wendy Melchior said...

Well, anonymous - you're right about two things. #1 I do not know who you are (you either know me very well thus knowing my grandmother was Gertrude and the whole personality that she was) or you just chose Gertrude randomly and hardly know me at all #2 An anonymous entry will not win next week - no matter how good it is - I guarantee it. (just flunked my own predictability test, huh?)
Thanks for playing - and for all the badinage :).

Anonymous said...

Your need to rationalize your choice of winners is what exposes the bias - doth protest too much.

Sorry, that was a little obscure. But funny about grandma.