Friday, October 3, 2008

Weekend Word

I have read that the subconcious mind can reveal a whole lot about our inner-workings. This week we will join in some analysis.
Lay on the couch, watch the swinging, shiny gold pocket watch, and fight your insomnia. Click on the word below, listen to its pronounciation, lay in bed and practice saying it over and over - almost like counting sheep. After participating in some word association exercises, use the word in a sentence and put that sentence in the comments section below. Get your entry in before 10 p.m. est on Sunday evening, for that is when a winner will be dreamt up.

If you lose, you can sleep it off.


Anonymous said...

With each passing birthday, feeling young is nothing more than an oneiric experience.

Anonymous said...

The rule “i before e except after c” doesn’t apply to oneiric words.

Anonymous said...

Will the Fightin' Phils make it to the World Series or is it just an oneiric fantasy?!?!

militia207 said...

why is it every oneiric experience involving school is me the only one showing up in her undies for the big test ?
