Friday, October 24, 2008

Weekend Word

Well, it's Friday and the Phillies are off. I think that is a good thing, because they could use a little time to regroup. If you are looking for a restful weekend, I would suggest staying away from Philadelphia over the next three days. Phillies fans do not see themselves as mere fans. No, we are PARTICIPANTS.
So, grab your bat, ask for William Penn's favor, and refuse to leave a man on third. Then click on the word below, read its definition, use it on the person sitting in the stadium next to you, and then put it in a witty and thought-provoking sentence. Post said sentence in the comments section. Do all of this before 10 p.m. est on Sunday evening, because that is when I will choose a winner while I watch the Phils win.
P.S. No anonymous entries will win this week. Just this week, so that I can remain predictably unpredictable.


Anonymous said...

Since Philadelphia fans have a reputation for being stolid, I can't wait to attend the ticker tape parade on Broad Street when this is all over.


Todd said...

What a stolid choice for the weekend word.

Todd said...

“Healthy boundaries” with people can lead to a stolid relationship with God.